Home kubernetes command

kubernetes command


  • Pod list

kubectl get pods –namespace=spark-operator

  • Pod에 대한 상세정보

kubectl describe pod spark-operator-57f8dbcbd6-4tz68

  • Pod yaml definition

kubectl get pod –namespace=spark-operator spark-operator-57f8dbcbd6-4tz68 -o yaml

  • List ReplicaSet

kubectl get rs -n notebook -n 는 –namespace 대신 사용할수 있다.

  • create resource

kubectl create -f [file name]

  • list service

kubectl get svc

  • Run bash in Pod Container

kubectl exec -it [pod name] bash

  • print log in Pod

kubectl logs -f [pod name]

  • print log in container of Pod

kubectl logs -f [pod name] -c [container name]

  • Update resource

kubectl apply -f [file name]

  • Check kubernetes version

아래 커멘트 입력후 Server version 필드안에 Git version을 확인한다.

kubectl version

  • Access Service with port-forward in local

kubectl port-forward [pod-name] [port]:[port] -n [namespace]

  • helm templating

helm template .

  • update helm dependency

helm dependency update .

  • switch context

kubectl config use-context [context name(eg. minikube)]

  • delete context

k config delete-context [context name(eg. minikube)]

  • k9s log info

k9s info

  • helm chart 버전 확인하기
    $ helm repo add bitnami https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
    $ helm search repo bitnami
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